The history of the world's creation and the gods who watch over its growth

Before there were forests and flowerfields, before the moss and lichen could thrive on the skin of its brothers, the world needed to provide for them. Life was the gift bestowed upon a world with an enduring spine, a replenishing mind and a valient heart. Three gods manifested, their existence one in the same with the element for which they are in command. For millenia they existed as aspects, folded and weaved in the chaos and calm of the land they could not yet comprehend. The proud lands formed tall sweeping ranges, carved out canyons and faded out into beaches where it passed along into the vast bodies of water. Rivers sloped and meandered and cascaded, its rippling essence nourishing the earth. At the end of the rivers were oceans. Miles upon miles of water untouched by earth, bodies that reach deeper than the land from the peaks of the sky. And oh the sky, she looks so empty but is no less important. With her formlessness, she reaches between the spaces beatween, fills what remains and unites what stands. Her body - so clean and revitalising - soaks into the world like blood. Not beneath nor above the command of mind and bones. And with these elements, life was given to the world.

Life itself cannot be controlled nor commanded. It can only be observed.

The Gods

Name: Calamity, often shortened to Cal informally
Element: Earth
Secondary Element: Fire
Celestial Power Source: The Earth
Pronouns: It/she

Era of Beginnings

Calamity is the eldest god, being the very land with which the world was formed. Before its corporeality, she burrowed in the vessels of the earth's core, circulating the magma, causing volcanic erruptions. From the volcanoes themselves, a new element came to be. The air aspect spread across the skies, although heavy and inhospitable. She would be responsible for the cooling of the atmosphere, making way for the final element to form. Millions of years later, Calamity was the first to assume a new body, one that could engage with its surrounding; one that could feel. In its departure from the earth's core, she left behind a massive crater, several miles wide, reaching the depths of the earth's mantle.

Era of Rule

With her presence and status as an all powerful god known across the vast lands, Calamity, along with the others, ordered the construction of a temple where it would reside as a ruler. Her hedonistic lifestyle came known to many. It would often spend its days in hot springs, receiving worship and tributes from her followers. When it wasn't basking in the reverences of mortals, she loved spending time with Morgan. Reunited with her love under a whole new circumstance overwhelmed her soul with pride and a need to demand new celebrations from its subjects. It displayed its relentless adoration for the Goddess of the Skies through demanding statues and art to be made in her resplendent image.

Name: Morgan
Element: Air
Secondary Element: Electricity
Celestial Power Source: The Sun
Pronouns: She/her

Era of Beginnings

Spending most of the world's formation and development as an aspect, cleansing and cooling the atmosphere, Morgan's first steps into a corporeal body led her to meeting Calamity shortly afterwards. The two spent much time together. Besides the animals that roamed their world, they were alone. They formed a language, they studied the life that grew wherever they tread, and once they were satisfied, they became aspects once more, only being disrupted by the divine flood.

Era of Rule

Name: Vani
Element: Water
Secondary Element: Ice
Celestial Power Source: The Moon
Pronouns: She/him

Era of Beginnings

Very little is known about Vani's origins. She appeared shortly after the dissipation of the divine flood where he was finally found by Calamity and Morgan. It is assumed that Vani, being the God of Oceans, was responsible for the flood, although very little information was revealed when prompted by the others. She simply stared. Together, the three set out to establish rule over the people of the world they partook in, proclaiming to serve and protect, becoming revered idols to the population.

Era of Rule